The Odaa Program

What is Odaa? A Symbol of Unity and Dialogue in Community Wellness

The Odaa tree, a sacred East African symbol, encapsulates our approach at Odessa Health. Traditionally, it served as a gathering point for communal dialogue, unity, and collective action. The Odaa tree embodies our commitment to holistic, community-centered mental wellness. By embracing the ethos of the Odaa tree – collective well-being – our Odaa approach creates a transformative space where mental health is a communal conversation, not a solitary struggle. This culturally resonant, evidence-based approach treats and nurtures mental health, forging stronger, more resilient communities.

The Odaa Model

A Youth-Centric Approach for Empowerment and Well-Being

In the face of a generational mental health crisis, Odessa Health's Odaa Group Program offers a groundbreaking approach to social-emotional learning and mental well-being [6]. Unlike traditional approaches, our youth-centric Odaa Group Program focuses on proactive social-emotional learning that engages and empowers youth before struggles become overwhelming. Our tiered model combines peer support, near-peer coaching, clinical expertise, and various therapies. At its core is the Odaa group intervention, a series of structured, community-based conversations led by youth lay providers. This model is backed by rigorous research, including randomized clinical trials [7,8,9,10,11]. By engaging, nurturing, and empowering teenagers and young adults, we make them trusted figures in their communities, increasing the likelihood of prevention and early intervention. This isn't just mental health care; it's a revolution in how we approach wellness.

For Youth

Building Inclusive and Responsive Communities

The success of any social-emotional health initiative for youth is deeply intertwined with the surrounding environments. That's why Odessa is committed to equipping staff and parents with the tools to create socially informed, emotionally responsive environments. Our workshops cover various topics, from understanding the nuances of mental health inequities to effective strategies for SEL implementation in diverse settings. We want to cultivate communities where our youth's well-being is prioritized, enabling them to thrive in all aspects of life.

For Program Staff and Caregivers

Empowerment Through Social-Emotional Learning and Mental Wellness

Our Odaa Group Program focuses on student-centric social-emotional learning (SEL) to empower youth in navigating their complex world. Our program is rooted in evidence-based practices and targets essential life skills like self-awareness, growth mindset, emotional regulation, and relationship-building.

Get in touch with us!