In a landscape marked by growing inequities, mental health challenges, and systemic barriers, ensuring our youth have the tools and knowledge to rise above and lead change is paramount. The Health Equity, Advocacy, and Leadership (HEAL) Academy by Odessa Health provides a framework designed to shape resilient, informed, and proactive young advocates. The HEAL Academy can be provided in both intensive summer experiences and longitudinal afterschool contexts.

  • Pillar 1: Community Connection and Relationship Building

    Fostering a sense of genuine belonging and a socially aware, emotionally-informed, tight-knit community among participants. This component integrates core team-building sessions, structured norms and check-ins, and recurring discussions to build an authentic community.

  • Pillar 2: Mental Wellness Education and Resilience Building

    Equipping participants with essential knowledge and tools for understanding, recognizing, and advocating for mental health. This component centers culturally-informed conversations, mental health 101 training, and our Odaa group model to empower youth with healthy mindsets and skillsets.

  • Pillar 3: Understanding Community Health in Context

    Cultivating a comprehensive understanding of chronic health conditions, their risk factors, and the broader social determinants that influence health outcomes. This component leverages case-based, activity-driven learning approaches to provide a foundational understanding of key chronic disease and their upstream causes with an equity-centered lens.

  • Pillar 4: Solutions & Mentorship and Exposure to Role Models

    Inspiring participants by showcasing the journey and impact of community leaders who share their backgrounds and experiences. This component gathers community leaders and change-makers from diverse backgrounds to provide role modeling, networking, and an opportunity to crystallize their learnings with real-world examples.

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